The 2009 Summer School is part of a series of 4 events from 2007 to 2010: each event consists of a summer school and associated workshop on modeling of human physiological systems with medical applications. The events are sponsored by the European Union under the program Marie Curie Conferences and Training Course.
The Lipari 2009 summer school will be dedicated to the study of modeling from the side of parameter estimation (when the investigator presumes a functional form for the family of models representing the system, and is trying to identify the relevant parameter values) and from the side of qualitative study of the models, both deterministics and stochastic (with the goal of assessing congruency of behavior of the model with the known features of the experimental system under investigation). This school will address mathematical modeling and statistical estimation in a single framework; will tightly integrate methods and applications; and will provide understanding of the methodological problems in this field and a frame of reference for more individually focused study after-school.
Event Overview
The event is structured as 13-day summer school aimed at PhD and Post-Doc students; the last 2 days of the summer school consist of a scientific workshop on mathematical models for the glucose/insulin system. |
The school will be organized along the following main courses:
- Qualitative behaviour of solutions (Yongwimon Lenbury, Franz Kappel, Pasquale Palumbo, 10 units)
- Introduction to Inverse Problems (Thomas Banks, 4 units)
- A-priori model identifiability and robust identification (Eric Walter, 4 units)
- Numerical Integration (Oscar Angulo-Torga, 4 units)
- ML Population Estimation (Marc Lavielle, Adeline Samson, 10 units)
- Bayesian Estimation (Aristides Dokoumetzidis, Mathieu Kessler, 10 units)
- Kalman filtering and Nonlinear Observer techniques (Alfredo Germani, Hien Tran, 8 units)
- Parameter Estimation for Stochastic Differential Equations (Susanne Ditlevsen, Valentine Genon-Catalot, 9 units)
- Stochastic Geometry (Vincenzo Capasso, Alessandra Micheletti, 3 units)
Instructors: Oscar Angulo-Torga, Thomas Banks, Vincenzo Capasso, Susanne Ditlevsen, Aristides Dokoumetzidis, Valentine Gentot-Catalot, Alfredo Germani, Franz Kappel, Mathieu Kessler, Yongwimon Lenbury, Marc Lavielle, France Mentre`, Alessandra Micheletti, Pasquale Palumbo, Simona Panunzi, Adeline Samson, Hien Tran, Eric Walter.
A scientific workshop on "Mathematical modeling of the Glucose/Insulin system" will take place during the last two days of the school. It will cover the following topics:
- Modeling and control of glucose homeostasis (Modeling; Control)
- Modeling insulin secretion (Cellular level models; Models for insulinemia oscillations)
Andrea De Gaetano, Simona Panunzi, Pasquale Palumbo, Arnaldo Risi, Lorenzo Marchesi and Mariella Galasso. |
The official language of the school is English.
The summer school is intended for PhD-students and Post-Doc's interested in parameter estimation for physiological models. The number of participants will be limited to 60. The issues, problems, and methodologies for modeling and parameter estimation of complex physiological systems touch several competence domains. Potential participants with backgrounds in applied mathematics, bioengineering, or biomedicine are welcome. Acceptance to the school is competitive (see the Eligibility Criteria below), aiming also at regional and gender balance. The school is mainly supported by the European Commission Marie Curie Program. Eligible candidates (both from the EU and from outside the EU) will have complete financial support for living accommodations and possibly partial support for traveling to the school. Details on eligibility may be found below. Non-EU supported individuals may also participate paying a School Fee of 2300 Euro. School participation includes tuition, social events and full board with accommodation in double room starting Sunday evening, September 13th, 2009, until Saturday morning, September 26th, 2009.
The web application form is the only way to apply to the school. Besides filling in the required fields in the form, one signed letter of recommendation on letterhead paper (scanned from the original in color, minimum resolution 300 dpi) must be uploaded through the application webpage. If you are interested in participating in the school, please complete the APPLICATION FORM. Once the application has been completed, the applicant will be kept up-to-date with all developments.
Financial support by the EC is primarily intended for participants from EU and Associated Countries. Support is available for applicants in three categories:
-Category 1 Early stage researchers, with up to four years research experience, computed as full time years of research work after completion of the diploma giving access to a Ph.D. programme. Typically, Ph. D. students enter in this category.
-Category 2 Experienced researchers, with up to ten years of research experience.
-Category 3 Experienced researchers with more than ten years of experience, who are nationals of Member States or Associated States (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey) and active in research outside these States at the time of the event.
Depending on availability of non-EC funding, the school may be able to activate scholarships covering totally or partially the School Fee.
The European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB) is happy to announce its support of the 2009 Lipari school, and offers the attendees a free annual membership for 2009.
Please write an email directly to
communicating your name and that you are a student at the Lipari 2009 ESMTB Parameter Estimation School


