Main page General info Timetable Fees        Financial Support Courses on line
Sponsored by the
European Commission

Dynamical Systems in Physiology and Medicine


The school organizers have been granted financing by the European Commission (EC) and other institutions, so that most of the participants from European countries and associated states, who are 35 years of age or less, will be supported at a very substantial level. Also, many of the participants who are either older thant 35 years, or come from non-european countries, will be supported to a limited extent by the school organization itself. Please do not hesitate to contact the organizers in order to clarify what level of support may apply in your case.


* We are now past the deadline for the first round of scholarships. A few more scholarships have been made available to European students and researchers 35 years of age or younger. These will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis to eligible individuals who complete the financial support form on-line.

* Participants who do not ask for financial support should confirm their participation by sending an e-mail to


Participants from EU Countries* and Associated States**, 35 years of age or less, granted EC support by the school, pay:

Participants granted partial support by the school organization itself, irrespective of age or nationality, pay:

Participants responsible for their entire registration fee pay:

350 EURO
750 EURO
1450 EURO

*EU Countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

**Associated States: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland.

Fees include full board and accommodation, coffee breaks, social programme, school material, local transportation, ESMTB yearly membership. Fees don't include travel to and from the school.

Already ESMTB member? Please subtract the cost of ESMTB membership: € 25.00 (Age <= 35 years) or € 40.00 (Age > 35 years).

Late fee: please add € 100.00 if registering after June 20th 2002

Fees may paid by bank transfer on the following bank account:

EMBMA EuroMediterranean BioMathematics Association
Monte dei Paschi di Siena Agenzia 33, Roma Italy

Fees may be also paid cash in Euro upon arrival to the school (including the late fee).